В раздел видео добавлен видеоролик в двух частях (в сумме 15мин), в котором рассказывается об истории создания легендарного каталога туманностей и звездных скоплений Мессье, знакомому каждому начинающему любителю астрономии. Видео проиллюстрировано большим набором красочных фотографий обьектов, содержащихся в каталоге.
Only the Moon. It is close enough that, dpesite being relatively small, it can cover the disk of the Sun. The Moon casts a shadow and it is when this shadow passes over Earth (and you stand in that shadow patch) that you would see a total eclipse of the Sun.Venus and Mercury are bigger than the Moon, but they are much further away from us. Their apparent diameter is therefore too small to block off the light of the entire Sun's disk. When they pass in front of the Sun, it is called a transit .There will be a transit of Venus in June 2012 (just as there was one in June 2004).No comets or asteroids are big enough to block off the Sun, regardless of how close they pass to Earth. And no, they cannot cause earthquakes. The idea that something could pass between us and the Sun, causing an eclipse AND earthquakes comes from the Planet-X hoax (the original one, for May 13, 2003 the Big 2012 Hoax is simply a recycling of that hoax).The charlatans who played up the hoax used the story to scare people and then make money by selling them books on how to survive.